Making New best Friends :) Rescue an animal in Need

Adopting is one of the best things you can do.

Each animal was rescued from horrible living conditions, found starving or injured.  If you decide to give it the chance for a better life, and open a space for another one to be saved you can email the charity and Request an Adoption Form. Interview and Home Check will apply via a linked volunteer living in your country.  Lin makes sure that all animals get adopted by Loving and Safe homes. If adoption proceeds an Adoption Fee will apply which covers Vet Preparation with rescue Rates ( Passport, Castration Microchip, Vaccinations, Rabies, Deworm/Deflea blood Tests), Traces and Traveling Ticket Cost. Nothing Extra is applied. Before Animals are promoted they are already vaccinated and blood tested.  You can apply from EU and UK

Meet Our Friends

  • KARA - kitten

    Kara was rescued from an abandoned house. She was weak and malnourished. With great care and love within a week Kara transformed into a beautiful loving kitty! Loving to purr while provided with belly rubs. The girl is available for adoption in the EU and UK. Please also see about he brother Lee who was rescued not long after her. ..

  • LEE - kitten

    Lee was rescued after his sister Kara. He was poorly and lonely. Lee is very sweet but he is shy and needs time to trust humans. Each day is a step forward for him. Available for adoption this boy deserves the chance.

  • Nero

    Cute Nero was rescued as a very small kitten next to a market. He was starving and dehydrated. His recovery took about three weeks . The little boy is blossoming by the day and is very cuddly, playful, loving and Intelligent.